Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wish I knew what y'all were up to!

Hi there, not sure if there is anyone out there but I just was thinking of y'all this morning and decided to give it another try. I am seeing a therapist once a week and she is terrific. See's right through me and is really pulling me out!! I love her and I believe the Lord sent her to me. I am starting back to a Bible study this week on Tuesday. I have been away too long! Didn't even go anywhere near church from Oct 1 to the end of Dec!! Was so mad at God for a long time, but He is patient and He is good and has taught me many things along the way.

I started acting classes back in October as a way to just get out of my house. It is something I have always wanted to do. Anyway as part of our class we had a lady from an agency come in one night and critique our monologues (so we get used to doing them in front of someone else) and then she spoke to us about agencies. She actually liked mine and called me the next day and requested an interview with her and the agency...Next thing I know they offered me a contract! So I am officially a paid actress and you might see me on tv soon ;)

I would love for us all to get together :)


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone... I hope i get better at followin up with everyone in the new year. Truth is I have been having and extremely hard time since i saw you last. After being able to open up with you guys then coming back to having no one to talk to and losing contact with all of you, well it just all sent me into a very dark place. I finally went back to church last week after not being there since the beginning of Oct. Very unlike me...In the last 15 years I have maybe missed 5 times. I am seeing a therapist and I think its helping but again, she wasn't abused.

Not sure why we all backed off but I hope to see EVERYONE here in the new year. I hope we could get together too...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Semester is finally over!

Hi everyone. I know it seems that I have dropped off the face of the planet. I got really swamped towards the end of the semester. It is over now and I am in Ga for Christmas. I was able to tell my brother about my abuse today. That was a hard conversation since we haven't been speaking since last summer. He was nicer about it than I expected. I am working on starting a support network for abuse survivors on campus. If it really reaches women and helps them I would like to start similar networks on campuses all around the country. I think it has potential not only to help women connect and feel less isolated by their abuse, but also act as an evangelism tool. Young women who would never go to church because of what happened and the shame they feel might come to a support network. I am not sure it this is a viable idea, but I need to do something. I feel like we have been silent too long, both as a society and as the body of Christ. Please pray for me this week. We always go to my Grandmother's house for Christmas Eve. This will be my first Christmas in that house since I told anyone about what happened. I know my abuser will not be there, because he is in jail, but it will still be difficult to be there. I hope you all have a great Christmas. Perhaps we can plan a reunion for early in the new year.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

okay, I think I am in?!? ........update. The journey continues. Up one road and then another, that's my story and I am sticking to it. I have had my bags packed and ready to leave my relationship with my husband (26 yrs). I have been at my wits end. I asked the Lord if I could go and I quietly heard, " stay one more day"....... so I stayed and just lived out of my bags. Then I found out some information that sent me on another journey. Short of it,.. is like this. I found a Phychologist in Houston who agreed to see us. The cost was $300.00. It took a while to save it but I did. Then we went to see him. He said that Tim was overmedicated and on the wrong meds. He gave him a different diagnosis and changed all of his meds. We seem to be on the mend. Tim is out of his bed and has begun functioning again (after staying in his bed for almost 6 months!). The steps are slow and the adjustments from one med to another is taxing but we can see a difference. I am glad I was able to hang in there one more day! I am about to make one more carreer change. In January I will start school to become a Funeral Director. And that is another journey on its own.

I am plugging along spiritually and feel somewhat relieved to have discovered I am somewhat normal after meeting all of you. I do hope to stay connected and hope this place will help. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and look forward to hearing how things are going!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Blogger 101

Hey ladies, once you have set up an account on Blogger, I have already set up persmissions for you all to be authors on the site so we can all share content. You can add pictures, videos, music, slideshows, etc. You can comment on each post or you can create a new post. You kind of have to just play around to get familiar with it, I can really explain it any other way. I need input from you guys on the security of the this a site for our eyes only, everyone on the web, or just people we can choose to invite? Let me know so I can change to security settings to our preference. Right now it is a public site until we all get blogger accounts. Once we all have accounts, I can change it to secure. Let me know...Happy blogging!!!

thank you Linsay!!!

Not sure how this works but I am soooooooo excited!!